Jim & Raquel Bloom

Tim & Gillian Henry

InnerCHANGE Minneapolis

The Minneapolis Team has been based in the Phillips neighborhood since 1995. Phillips is amazingly diverse culturally, and historically, has been one of the more impoverished neighborhoods in Minneapolis. This has resulted in the presence of a wide variety of social service agencies that seek to meet the varied needs of the people in the community. We have found that even though many material needs can be met by these agencies, what is often missing is access to long-term, stable, and healthy relationships with others who are willing to share life together. 


At its root, poverty exists as a result of relationships that do not work right; relationships that are broken with God, with ourselves, with others, and our environment. Injustice is a natural result of such broken relationships. Therefore, our priority approach to the healing of broken relationships is through communities that enable people to discover for themselves the hope of knowing God and how they can be reconciled to him through Jesus. The reconciliation of this relationship is the most important of all, making the restoration of all other relationships possible. Jesus really is good news!


We have a long history here. Contact us if you are interested to learn more.

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Novo is a band of creative missionaries sent to multiply movements of the gospel and mobilize the church for mission around the world. 

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